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Stendo Laboratoire —

STENDO LABORATOIRE compliant with the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation)

STENDO LABORATOIRE undertakes to comply with the new General Regulations for the Protection of Personal Data and thus guarantee the protection of the personal data of its customers. To ensure the security and confidentiality of your data and ensure compliance with the General Regulations for the Protection of Personal Data, STENDO LABORATOIRE undertakes to implement the measures proposed in the legislation. Collecting data and personal information is at the heart of our business and allows us to carry out all of our projects with our clients.

The confidentiality and personal data protection policy sets out the personal data that STENDO LABORATOIRE collects and their purpose, the way in which this collection is carried out and your rights as a client of STENDO LABORATOIRE.

What personal data is collected by STENDO LABORATOIRE ?

STENDO LABORATOIRE undertakes to collect exclusively personal data necessary for the company's missions. We collect personal data such as email, surname, first name, postal address, telephone number, company name. These are communicated when using one of our services, subscribing to our newsletter or through the contact form. 

In the event that optional personal data is collected, STENDO LABORATOIRE will notify you of the need for some of them and of the optional ones. If you have any doubts about the mandatory nature of any data, we invite you to contact the owner. 

The purpose of the personal data collected is to meet your needs optimally as well as to contact you during our commercial operations or to share our news with you, but also to ensure our customer care. 

In exceptional cases, STENDO LABORATOIRE may collect personal information from minors. In this case, the consent of the legal guardians is strictly necessary.

What services or companies are your personal data communicated to? 

The data collected by STENDO LABORATOIRE is transmitted only to services or providers internal to the company.

What is the retention period for your data collected by STENDO LABORATOIRE? 

The length of time you keep your data depends on the purpose of collecting it and the task at hand. STENDO LABORATOIRE undertakes to delete the data collected as soon as the objective is achieved, plus the retention period imposed by the applicable rules on legal prescription.

Where are the data collected? 

The data collected is processed within STENDO LABORATOIRE. Depending on the customer's location, a transfer of data from France to another foreign country may take place. To find out more about transnational data transfers you can contact the owner.

Protection of your personal data. 

STENDO LABORATOIRE undertakes to take all measures to ensure the protection and confidentiality of your personal data. We take care to prevent the deterioration, deletion or access by unauthorized third parties of your personal data. 

In the event of a protection incident affecting your personal data, STENDO LABORATOIRE undertakes to comply with the obligation to notify personal data breaches to the CNIL (National Commission for Informatics and Liberties). The customer may object to any processing of personal data in the event of a violation of personal data protection rights by STENDO LABORATOIRE. This opposition must be justified by a reason demonstrating this violation.

Legal basis for data processing. 

STENDO LABORATOIRE may process Personal Data if and only if one of these conditions is met:

The client has given clear, systematic and explicit consent for a known purpose.
Data collection is necessary for the execution of a contract
Data processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which the owner is subject.
The processing is related to a task carried out in the public interest or in the interest of public authority
The processing is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the owner or by a third party.
Owner and Data Controller. 

17, Rue du PORT

DPO (Date Protection Officer): Madame Ludivine Jourdan
Owner contact email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Your rights over your personal data. 

As a resident of the European Union, you have the rights below put into effect by the GDPR:

The right of access: You can access your personal data as soon as you wish by asking STENDO LABORATOIRE in advance.
The right of portability: You can recover your personal data.
The right to be forgotten: You can have the content of certain personal data erased that may harm you.
The right to rectification: You can have erroneous information corrected.
The right to object: You can object to receiving any commercial communications from STENDO LABORATOIRE or ask to stop the processing of your personal data.
The right to limitation: You can request the suspension of the processing of your personal data.  

If you wish to exercise any of your rights, contact STENDO LABORATOIRE at the address below: 

17, Rue du PORT

All requests must be accompanied by proof of identity. STENDO LABORATOIRE undertakes to respond to your request as soon as possible. 

Stendo® Laboratoire

17, rue du Port 27400 Louviers

Phone : +33 2 32 09 41 60

2020 Copyright : Stendo® Frédéric GIBRAT Conception - Logo WSF WSF © Conception - all rights reserved .